Welcome to my design website - enjoy!
I love to design and build creations that I dream up. I built this website to show the world my stuff.
I am currently trying to build a remote-control plane from scratch. It's not easy. I have gone through three different designs and I have only about 10 seconds of time in the air!
I am also trying to build a go-cart that I can actually ride on. This has been an even more difficult project. I have a big electric motor and I've taken bits off an old bike, but I can't put the puzzle together without a proper welding machine.
One of my first cool projects was a pyramid I built for a project at school. You could open it and inside was clay models of King Tut and his things.
I want to build a bowling machine to help me train for cricket. I think I could just put a motor on a wheel on a tube. Servos could release the balls and I could release the balls with a remote-control that I could press whilst batting. But I haven't started this project yet.
Pictures of my go-cart (coming soon)